Important information about the children’s flu vaccination
Dear parents and carers,
After the summer break your child will be invited to have a free seasonal flu vaccine. You will receive more information about this during the autumn term, but I wanted to share some details ahead of the holiday about why and how you should get your child vaccinated.
Children can catch and spread flu very easily. The vaccine is the safest way to protect your child from the flu, which can be very unpleasant and can sometimes cause serious problems, like pneumonia.
Vaccinating your child also helps protect other family members especially those who are at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu, such as younger babies and grandparents.
How is the children’s flu vaccine given?
We recommend the nasal flu vaccine for your child, this is given as a quick and painless spray in each nostril. The nasal flu vaccine contains a form of gelatine (porcine gelatine). If you would prefer your child to have a vaccination which does not contain gelatine, then the injection is also available.
The flu injection may also be more suitable for children with allergies and other medical conditions. You can find out more on the NHS website www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/child-flu-vaccine/.
Consent forms will be sent out by Intrahealth after the summer break, they may be paper or you might receive an email. Please make sure that you are clear on the consent form which option you would like your child to have.
My child has had the flu vaccination before, do they need to have it again?
Yes; the flu virus can change each year so the vaccine is updated each winter to give protection against the strains of flu that are most likely to be going around. For this reason, it’s important that even if your child was vaccinated last year, that they are vaccinated again this year.
What should I do if I have more questions?
There is lots of useful information on the NHS website. You can also get in touch with your GP or Intrahealth, by visiting their website www.intrahealth.co.uk/services/manchester-flu/.
You will receive more information about the flu vaccination for your child when you get the invitation from your child’s school, during the autumn term.
I hope you all have a great summer.
Best wishes
Dr Helen Wall
Clinical Director of Population Health GM