Welcome to Oasis!
Oasis is a small classroom which is overseen by our SENDCO’s Mrs Clarke and Miss Mulligan. Oasis has a higher adult to child ratio than other classes within our school. We currently have three members of staff working in Oasis Miss Sands, Mrs Ryan and Mrs Doherty. We are very lucky in Oasis that we have a qualified ELSA who can support the children with their feelings and emotions.
Mornings in Oasis are generally spent working hard on First Class Phonics, English and Maths. Oasis follow an adapted curriculum which is carefully tailored to meet the individual needs of the children. Interventions are planned and delivered to help the children to achieve their personal targets and reach their full potential. This year we are taking part in a new and exciting project called Helicopter Stories and Poetry Basket.
Afternoons in Oasis are spent working on some of the other the National Curriculum subjects such as Science. Geography and History, RE, PSHE, ICT. Children in Oasis also access an alternative curriculum which helps them to develop some key life skills. This includes Music sessions led by Tameside Music Service, Outdoor Learning led by Gareth from Adventure Nature, Cooking sessions led by Mr Banham and Mindfulness sessions.