
Welcome to Nursery!
My name is Mrs Selby and I am the teacher in Silver Springs Nursery. I work alongside Miss Mulholland who is our Nursery Nurse.
We are always busy in Nursery. We love books and stories, nursery rhymes, and singing songs. We have daily phonic activities where we practice our listening skills and use musical instruments.
We love to make and use play dough, paint pictures, write letters and lists, experiment in the sand and water areas, and use scissors and glue to be creative.
We play in the home corner, and with the small world toys, and we love to practise our balancing skills outside on the bikes and on the slide and climbing equipment.
We love to be independent in Nursery, and we help ourselves to our own drinks and snacks and put on our own coats and aprons. We love to make new friends, and share our toys, and take turns in our games. No two days are the same, but we are always learning, and always having fun!

We Love Books!
Engaging children in high quality texts is a priority for us. Take a look at our Reading Spine to find out which texts your child will encounter during their time in Nursery! Find out more about how we teach Phonics by clicking on the link below.
So that you have a window on your child’s day at school we use an app called ‘Seesaw’. You can download this app onto your phone and it enables us to upload photos, videos and messages, which you can see immediately in real-time.
It is completely secure and private and can only be viewed by yourself or other family members that you have invited. It also acts as two way messaging service where you can ask questions or share information.
The Seesaw family app is simple to download and all the information you need will be given to you once your child starts their journey at Silver Springs.
We Love Learning!
Click on the link below to see an overview of all the things that we have planned for the year!