Our Science curriculum provides children with the foundations of knowledge, skills and vocabulary they will need for adulthood a modern world filled with science, technology, engineering and maths.
Through their weekly science lessons our children are given regular opportunities to experience, observe and question phenomena in the natural and humanly-constructed world.
We know that our youngest children are naturally curious and keen to learn about the world around them, so we begin early with our stimulating EYFS curriculum that engages children’s curiosity and builds on their prior experiences, creating new opportunities to develop and co-construct new knowledge and understanding of the world. We plan for hands-on, enquiry-based activities both inside and out, that develop a sense of awe and wonder. We promote open-mindedness and seek to further develop children’s enquiring minds, through sustained shared thinking where they become confident to ask questions and notice changes.

As children progress through the school, they learn to work scientifically, building their procedural and conceptual knowledge and understanding of important scientific ideas, which they are encouraged to relate to their everyday experiences. In Key Stage One and Two, children are taught science as a discrete subject; a planned cycle of revisiting, consolidation and development of topics throughout each key stage systematically extends the skills, knowledge and vocabulary gained.
From an early age, children are encouraged to explore scientific ideas by researching topics from books and online resources, as well as by carrying out observations over time and making early hypotheses about what they see. We further develop children’s ability to work scientifically through supported investigations in Key Stage One working towards independent application of scientific testing in Key Stage Two. Connections between science and other subjects are made explicit to children, to enable them to make links in their learning.

During their time in school, children are provided with opportunities to study famous scientists, take part in a science focused trip annually and study topics in greater depth through our annual Whole School Science Week, where we get the whole family involved with science investigations at home.