
At Silver Springs, we adopt the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum as the starting point for our curriculum planning for two reasons. The first, because this provides the age-related standards against which all early years and primary school aged children are measured and we want our children to be able to stand on a level playing field with their peers.
The second, because it enables us to satisfy the requirement of a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of children at the school and of society, and prepares children at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. In addition to this we deliver the Coram Life Education SCARF programme and No Outsiders aims.
In establishing our curriculum sequences, we have also considered common barriers and assets within in the local community, which steer us to add weight to and prioritise certain subjects, aspects and concepts of the taught curriculum, as well as place emphasis on these in the wider curriculum. In reviewing our plans, we have studied evidence from cognitive science and educational research as well as considering the views of our children, our parents and other stakeholders, through our Big Curriculum Conversation.
As a result, we have developed a curriculum that is unique to our school and that reflects not only our children’s particular needs but also our ambition for our children’s futures, our core values and strengths and goes on to identify the means by which we will achieve these.
As a part of GAET, we share our core values with other schools in the Trust:
- Genuine
- Respect
- Excellence
- Achievement
- Together
Where Children Shine!
Our curriculum builds in opportunities for extended study and for children with a particular interest or skill to contribute as lead learners. We will celebrate when our children excel in a particular area of the curriculum and share this widely to inspire others to do the same.
English and Maths are given the highest priority as they are essential components for high academic performance and long-lasting achievement. They are also fundamental to the delivery of the rest of the curriculum. We place a strong emphasis in all subjects on developing personally and accepting and understanding others as these are the qualities that will ensure that our children go on to live successful and fulfilled lives.
For more information about our curriculum, please email to speak wth our curriculum co-ordinator.