At Silver Springs, our children are the software engineers, video game designers, web developers and IT consultants of the future.
Our computing curriculum is designed to prepare our children to participate confidently in the rapidly changing digital world of work, by teaching them how to access to a broad range of technology and digital media.
At the core of our computing curriculum is programming, where children are taught how programmes work, how digital systems work and how to put our knowledge to use through programming. We encourage creativity and innovation in computing through referencing and exploring the work of well known and local experts, such as Alan Turing.
Using ICT as a cross-curricular tool, we ensure that our children become digitally literate and can express their ideas creatively, learning to make informed judgements about when and where to use ICT to its best effect. Through our progressive curriculum sequence, we identify key vocabulary so that we share a common vocabulary for computing. We use the Purple Mash units as our core computing curriculum and use various resources such as Computing At Schools and Barefoot Computing to supplement our units of work.
Crucially, alongside all this, we will teach our children about the opportunities and pitfalls of the digital world, with an emphasis on how to stay safe, think critically and make excellent choices online. This aspect of the curriculum is delivered through the ‘Be Internet Legends’ programme, promoting digital resilience and an awareness of our digital footprints.
See the link below to play the Be Internet Legends game.
Here are some more links to games which you might find useful to practise your computing skills!