At Silver Springs, we believe that every child can achieve in maths and we aim to empower our children with a confident ‘can-do’ attitude which will inspire and engage them as mathematicians. This is achieved through ‘quality-first’ teaching and a curriculum which challenges and supports learning.
We recognise maths as a creative subject which looks for patterns, makes connections and finds new ways to look at the world; our children will be taught to relate this to practical and ‘real life’ contexts. All adults in school have a positive attitude towards maths and champion the subject within the wider community.
We plan for progression by following the White Rose Curriculum which prioritises every child securing a strong sense of number, reasoning and problem solving, mental fluency and the skills which will lead to mastery. This will allow our children to identify patterns and use a range of creative and flexible approaches to solve problems and calculations.
Our mastery curriculum allows learners to secure a deep understanding of mathematical concepts which provide children with a solid foundation upon which further learning can be built.
As far as possible, classes are taught together and children move on together. Clear and consistent progression in lessons allows mathematical skills to build on prior knowledge. Where necessary, additional provision and pre-teaching will allow all children to access learning in maths and graduated scaffolding and peer to peer support will also promote independence.