For the children at Silver Springs, the development of personal relationships; health and wellbeing; as well as their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development does not begin or end with the school day.
The environment we create in school is only part of the wider world that our children inhabit and we know that they are greatly influenced by society’s values – especially by parental values, their peers, and the media. Knowing just how powerful these external influences can be, we at Silver Springs have opted to follow the Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship (SCARF) curriculum as set out by the dedicated children’s charity Coram Life Education.
We maintain that many of our children will face the same difficulties when addressing these values – and we strive to centralise our teaching and learning on the key themes of relationships and making informed choices as well as developing an understanding of ourselves and of others. This approach places no barriers to learning, since children can access learning at a personal level, regardless of ability or aptitude. SCARF focuses attention on children’s emotional development, health and safety, relationships with others and development of moral thinking, values and actions.
Consequently, SCARF provision is most effective when it is based on a consistent approach and where the responsibility is shared by our staff, our parents, external agencies and the local and wider communities as well as the children themselves. Close consultation with these different bodies needs to be an essential element of the planning, implementation, evaluation and review of our SCARF teaching. Our children deserve nothing less
Rationale for SCARF Curriculum Sequence
The PSHE Association sets out a single broad aim for fulfilling the national statutory guidance for RSE, and expectations for Personal Development, SMSC and British Values detailed in the new Ofsted Inspection Framework
“as part of the curriculum, children and learners are supported to understand what constitutes a healthy relationship both online and offline, and to recognise risk,…and are aware of the support available to them”
PSHE Association, 2019
It is via a thorough, broad and balanced curriculum that we can offer our children the opportunities to acquire such skills. However, it is through following the SCARF Curriculum that we can prepare our children for this will also include the consideration of the material, physical world, as children explore opportunities for intergenerational work and the development of positive, interdependent relationships with older people, alongside skills such as managing finances and balancing ‘needs’ with ‘wants’. This addresses the changes our children will encounter in later life. As a school, the pastoral dimension is central to Silver Springs and permeates every aspect of school life.
We believe that the holistic approach to development produces well rounded and adjusted children that are equipped with the skills needed to deal with life. In recognition of this, we focus on the development of skills and values centred firmly on the person. Our SCARF teaching will concentrate upon on the development of children’s key inter-personal skills, as well as knowledge and attitudes. We aim to foster and develop those skills that will allow children to form happy, healthy relationships, as well as promoting the positive behaviours that can be utilised in and outside the classroom. These skills will be fostered via high quality, interactive texts, as well as drama opportunities and discussion/debate. Utilising high quality appropriate vocabulary, the children will consider real life examples in which diversity brought about change in society
Our SRE programme (developed alongside and following GAET guidelines) is integral to our PSHE curriculum and further develops our pupils’ self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence to enable them to develop positive relationships and make positive decisions in their lives. Whilst prioritising for younger children the emotional, social and cultural development, it teaches children in older year groups about relationships, sexual health, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity in an age appropriate way. RSE involves a combination of sharing information, and exploring issues and values. RSE is not about the promotion of sexual activity.
The aims of relationships and sex education (RSE) at Silver Springs are to:
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
- Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
- Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
- Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies
We will support children to ask questions in an emotionally safe environment, helping to dispel myths and provide them with the information and self-assurance necessary to make informed decisions in an ethical way that are right for themselves and for others. It builds up knowledge and skills which are particularly important today because of the many different and conflicting pressures on young people.
RSE Policies
Underpinning our PSHE curriculum is our equalities curriculum, which we deliver through the story based No Outsiders programme. Through our No Outsiders curriculum, we are preparing our children for life as global citizens, reducing the potential for prejudice, hate crime and terrorism by promoting community cohesion.
Our children will learn that there are no outsiders at Silver Springs, everyone is valued for the contribution they make, everyone is welcomed and celebrated for their uniqueness. Children learn that everyone is different but equal. Through our weekly assemblies we aim to promote a dialogue that counters fear and hate in society. Our children are guided by our golden rule to treat others the way you want to be treated.