Baarmy Bethlehem!
A Christmas Performance by Reception and Nursery classes.
Meet Cheeky, Rascal and Scamp – the party sheep! When they see Bethlehem filling up, they assume it’s for a big celebration and they do not want to miss out! They escape from the flock and make their way into town, but although they find lots of things they love like noise and crowds of people, there is no party. However, what they do find is the nativity story unfolding right before their eyes, which gives everyone a reason to celebrate!
Performance 1 – Thursday 12th December 2024 @ 2.00pm
Performance 2 – Friday 13th December 2024 @ 9.30am
Please complete this form to reserve your seats.
We will not be handing out physical tickets, upon filling in the form, your name will be placed on a guest list for the requested performance!
Seats are limited to 2 per family in the first instance as our Hall has a maximum capacity.