18th – 19th July 2022
Dear Parents and Carers
School will be OPEN tomorrow and a full Risk Assessment has been put in place for the Extreme Weather conditions. This is a live document and is subject to potential change as I review the situation with my staff hour by hour throughout the day. I will notify you on all platforms of any changes that will affect you as the decisions are made.
Some of the precautions that have been put in place include:
Maximising ventilation
Keeping blinds down
Maximising access to drinking water for all
Timetable changes
Classroom organisation changes
Relocation of activities / classes as required
Keeping children out of the sun but using shaded parts of the grounds to keep them cool
Fine mist water sprays to cool children
Changes to arrangements for planned events
We have purchased additional fans for classrooms
We have purchase 240 additional cups
The menus for lunch have been reviewed to maximise fluid intake
We have contacted parents of individuals with underlying health conditions that make them vulnerable in hot weather.
I have circulated advice to staff about heat related illness and what to look out for
I have circulated information to staff to keep children cool indoors and outdoors
Parents and Carers are strongly advised that children should wear light weight, light-coloured shorts and t-shirts for the next two days. Caps and sunhats are also strongly advised for the journey to and from school. sun cream should be applied before school and can be reapplied in school.
If your child has an inhaler please ensure that they have an in date in haler in school at all times in line with their asthma plan.
All children from Year One to Year Six are advised to bring a refillable water bottle labeled with their name.
We will let specific classes know about an arrangements that have changes to events that affect them directly.
Please be reassured that the children’s safety is my number one priority and I will continue to make my decisions based on that priority – even if these decisions are unpopular!
If you have any questions please contact me by direct message or contact the office email: admin@silverspringsacademy.org.uk – I will not be available to respond to messages in the chat below this post today. The staff in the office will do their best to respond tomorrow morning.
Take care and Stay safe
Mrs Mason