We are holding a non-uniform day on Friday 29th November 2024 to raise donations for our Christmas Fair!
On Friday 29th November 2024, we would like our NURSERY, RECEPTION, YEAR 1 AND YEAR 2 children to come into school in their own clothes and bring a donation of CHOCOLATE. (This can be anything chocolate related; biscuits, selection boxes etc.) These donations will go on our chocolate tombola stall!
On Friday 29th November 2024, we would like our YEAR 3, YEAR 4, YEAR 5 AND YEAR 6 children to come into school in their own clothes and bring a donation of A BOTTLE. (This can be anything in a bottle; bubble bath, juice, alcohol etc.) These donations will go on our bottle tombola stall!
*Please ensure any alcohol is brought directly to the school office*
Thank you!