We are so pleased to report that over 90% of our parents and carers are now signed up with an MCAS (My Child At School) Account. MCAS allows you to...
Harvest time is quickly approaching and once again at Silver Springs Academy, we are looking forward to celebrating this important time of year! Every year, we are overwhelmed by the...
Could you be eligible for Free School Meals? Free School Meals can be claimed by Parents or Guardians of pupils who are on a low income. All claims will be...
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Due to essential building maintenance work scheduled for the summer break, the new start date for children in Years 1 to 6 in September will be THURSDAY 5TH...
Important information about the children’s flu vaccination Dear parents and carers, After the summer break your child will be invited to have a free seasonal flu vaccine. You will receive...
Year 6 are delighted to invite you to a performance of music and celebration at Silver Springs Academy to celebrate the end of their journey with us. Our Year 6...
Join us on Monday 15th July 2024 9.00am to 10.30am in the Community Room A parent volunteer will be running a peer support coffee morning for parents and carers of...
Struggling with your finances? Helping Hand drop-in sessions every second Tuesday of the month, 10.30am to 11.30am at East Family Hub, Ridge Hill Children’s Centre, Stalybridge. For more information on...