
Here to Learn
To enable your child to achieve their full potential and make the most of everything that we have to offer at Silver Springs, they must be here to learn every day, on time!

School registration starts at 8.55am; but our doors are open from 8:45 am each day and all teachers set a morning task to ensure that learning begins the minute that children arrive. Members of the school leadership team and other staff are on duty every morning, so this is an ideal time to pass on any messages to the class teacher.
Gates close at 9 am. Children arriving after this time are already missing out! Parents should ensure that if their child arrives after 9 am, they report directly to the main office to be signed in quickly and escorted to class.
Late Marks
Children arriving after gates close will be given a late mark. Registration officially closes at 9:30 am, children arriving after this time will be classed as unauthorised.
Persistent Absence Levels in School
As you will be aware, our school considers regular school attendance a priority to improve the educational outcomes of our children. The Department of Education (DfE) says that pupils with school attendance below 90% are at risk of becoming a persistent absentee.
90% = 19 days of lost learning each academic year
Any absence including illness, medical appointments, term time leave, punctuality and unauthorised absence will affect your child’s attendance rate.
If your child’s attendance becomes a cause of concern, we will invite you to meet with us at the earliest possible time to agree and improvement plan. This might include a referral may be made to the Local Authority for consideration about how to improve your child’s attendance rate. Like you, we want the very best for all our children; we hope, therefore, that you will support us in ensuring your child attends school every day, and on time, in order for them to access the education they are entitled to, enabling them to reach their full potential.
Holidays in Term Time
Parents must be aware that taking children out of school during term time for holidays is strongly discouraged and will not be authorised. Unauthorised holidays in term time are likely to be subject to a fixed penalty notice of £60 per parent per child. Parents should notify us at the point of booking if they are considering taking their child / children out of school for a holiday in term time. Parents can collect a form from the school office.