
The safety and welfare of our children is our number one priority, because we know that children are happiest and learn best when they feel safe and secure in school.

We work closely with our families to provide the earliest possible support, as well as signposting to other agencies and linking them with our established professional partners.

The term “safeguarding” encompasses a wide range of aspects and it is the duty of everyone at Silver Springs Primary Academy to uphold. We take seriously our responsibility to provide a safe environment for every child and to ensure that they are safeguarded from maltreatment and impairment of their health or development.

Safeguarding and Child Protection are about ensuring every child has the best possible chance to achieve and we work tirelessly to remove any barriers to this.

We ensure our staff are trained in all aspects of safeguarding including: Domestic Violence and Abuse Support, Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse, Child Sexual Exploitation and many others.

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