Vision and Values
Silver Springs is a school where children shine and great futures begin! We believe that every child has something to offer and that they should be encouraged to share that gift or talent and by doing so encourage others to do the same.
At Silver Springs we want everyone to shine!
Silver Springs is a school that opens doors for children. From the very beginning in the Foundation Stage, right through until children leave for high school we will provide children with unforgettable experiences that open doors to the wider world, leaving them itching to know more and eager to learn, inspiring them to achieve great things and become great citizens; building the best possible future for the community in which they live.

We believe that children learn best when they are excited and actively engaged, when there is joy in what they are doing and they love learning. Literacy and Maths are the backbone of children’s learning, with a strong emphasis on ICT as a cross curricular tool, which both stimulates and facilitates learning at all levels.
Learning is a lifelong process and children learn best where there is true partnership between school and home. We will build these partnerships with parents by sharing information about their child’s progress but most of all by listening. By involving parents and other family members in the life of the school and consulting them in a variety of ways on all aspects of our provision, we will knit the school into the fabric of the community.
We are committed to ensuring that each individual makes the best possible progress and gets the most out of their education, whilst in our care. Learning will therefore be focused on individual pupil’s needs and abilities. The knowledge about individual children gathered from teacher’s observations and assessments will be used to inform the way they are taught.

Moving forward we will encourage innovation in teaching and provide a wide range of opportunities outside school hours to encourage children to try new things, extend their learning, live healthy and active lives and to be proactive in protecting the environment. We will build on our strengths to serve the needs of our children using the skills of everyone in the school. This school will drive its own improvement, to set its own challenging targets recognising that we can always do better and ensuring that there is always a tangible drive to improve and real commitment to quality.
Core Values
Core Values
- All children are unique and everyone has something to contribute.
- The school sits at the heart of the community.
- All children have a right to high quality education that meets all their needs.
- Children learn best when they feel safe and secure.
- The best form of discipline is self-discipline.
- Education is broader than just classroom-based curriculum and it is about children experiencing the joy of discovery, solving problems, being creative.
- Children learn best when there is enjoyment in what they do and they can make choices about their learning.
- Children achieve best when there is true partnership between home and school.
- Children are better placed to make the most of their education when they are healthy and active
- Learning is a lifelong process.
- To be effective citizens of the 21st Century children must be aware of the impact of their daily lives on the environment.
- ICT is a cross curricular tool which facilitates and stimulates learning.

Core Purpose
- To recognise the contribution of individuals and ensure that all children have the opportunity to shine
- To ensure that each individual makes the best possible progress educationally
- To provide children with a safe, secure and sustainable environment in which to learn
- To strengthen the community by empowering children to make a genuine difference
- To encourage children to take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions
- To inspire children to achieve great things by extending and enriching the curriculum with exciting first hand experiences
- To provide opportunities for children to express themselves creatively through music, art, dance and drama, where possible through specialist teaching
- To build effective partnerships with parents
- To provide opportunities for all children to be healthy and active where possible through specialist teaching
- To provide all children with access to the curriculum through up to date technology
- To meet the needs of all children in partnership with outside agencies
- To place a strong emphasis on improving and sustaining the environment
- To ensure that all children are switched on to learning